Posts tagged conflict
Who Called Who What?

One of the most challenging aspects of communication is becoming mindful of the things we say. If it is true that everything a person says and does is an attempt to meet a need, then knowing what our own needs are is critical for feeling satisfied in life and in our relationships. Yet, this kind of self-awareness about where we focus our attention when communicating seems elusive to many of us. In all kinds of situations.

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Don't Talk it Out

Maybe you are like me and when you find yourself in conflict you want to work it out right away?! I have found over the years that there are many times when this is just not the best idea. Why? Because talking it out with the person who you are in conflict with isn’t always the most efficient or even effective strategy to get needs met.

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Yesterday I was having a coffee (well, I had the carrot salad and fizzy water) with a friend.  This is Kim, a kindred spirit who I am inspired by and with and feel grateful when it works out that we can hang out.  We were catching up after her travels; she was on a journey with one of her mentors/spiritual teachers in Mexico.

Our conversation was lovely and lively, and was running deep.

And then, I noticed a shift. It was ever so slight, a move in my seat, a twitch in my face, a noticing of a mild ‘unpleasant’. 

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