Posts tagged blog
It's Not My Fault

That’s correct. It isn’t. No matter what the topic. When people are talking about institutional and systemic inequity and racism and are asking you to reflect on your own privilege, you might hear blame. You might not like how you feeling hearing the word, especially how it relates to you, and resist. After all, you are progressive and want —possibly even have worked for civil rights. Having this conversation in the context of blame will be super challenging. Because it isn’t your fault. Yet you have contributed to the issue.

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Corona and Kids. What Are You Saying?

Your children are instantly navigating a new experience. Depending upon their age they don’t have the capacity to understand what’s happening in the same ways you do. For better and for worse. They don’t have the brain development to make meaning of what they are seeing and hearing. They exist more deeply on the feeling level. Not only are they trying to make meaning of the change in their lives, they are deeply impacted by you, the parents, their caregivers. In more ways that you might be thinking about. They are tracking on your every move.

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