New Year, Same You ~ with a Twist

As a holiday, New Year’s night is one I don’t particularly enjoy.  First, the timing…celebrating at midnight.  What is that?  It is not my creative time.  Let’s celebrate at sunrise, sunset or something connected to a cycle of life —something I can get behind as a reason to celebrate. January 1st, rings as essentially arbitrary as a day to take stock.  It lacks being steeped in any real energetic history as to why it is a new year or time to make some sort of change in life.  The randomness with which we are invited to make change is not as intentional as I would like.  Especially when the standard holiday celebration is basically drinking til all hours of the night, leaving us hung-over in the morning.  Not the best conditions to consider making shifts in lifelong habits. 

Complaint #2.  New Year ~ New You!  It's a theme this time of year, when the companies that sell things, and a wide variety of health practitioners invite you to switch things up and live your best life.  Basically saying the same things they always have, only packaged with white lights and crystals to symbolize New Year’s Eve!  Festive.  Brand New Start.  You pay money to become a Brand New You, even when as you likely know already, resolutions tend not to last for the long run.  The images that we are bombarded with are challenging to resist…we want that stuff after all, don’t we?  We definitely want to be a better version of ourselves.  Everyone else is doing it and they are doing it now.  [Read the book, Influence; the Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini who explains in great detail how that all works].  Without the planetary energetics to support the kinds of change you might want to make, it is no wonder that we find it difficult to sustain real shifts.

One more grumble:  The idea of a new you sounds like there is, has been or could be something wrong with the old you.  The you that you are right now.  One of the most powerful (and useful!) transformations I had while at my first NVC IIT (International Intensive Trainings) was that there was actually nothing wrong with me.  I have heard it said to me over and over, and at this 10-day training, I had the experience of it.  Maybe I will write more about it one day.  It was joyous to live in that knowledge.  Freeing.  I experienced true confidence.  I still feel tears when I think about it.  If I pass anything of value off to others it is to have this experience and shift as well.  

There is nothing wrong with you.

If you aren’t quite satisfied with the life you have created for yourself, certainly there are changes you can make.  This is an idea I am totally on board with.  Luckily it is something the same old you is perfectly capable of doing! 

How we are invited to take stock, consider what we might want to shift and change also seems a bit random on January 1.  You might guess that I will encourage a needs based process.  Something very connected to the touchstones of your life, either for the year itself, or your life-long touchstones—effectively your guidance system.  Finding strategies this year that will help you meet those needs in the coming months ahead. 

About the timing…

Remember, we are still in the dark time of the year.  Imbolc is traditionally a time of self-commitments for the coming year. While we're still in this darkest time of long nights between Samhain (Halloween) and Imbolc, I invite you to be gentle with yourself. There will be plenty of time for all the doing and creating as the year blossoms.  

This year Imbolc falls on February 1 ~ and it coincides with the Dark Moon on January 31.  Dark moon (new moon) tends to be a time a wonderful time to set intentions as well. 

Perhaps you will use the month ahead to sink in and find rest.  In this calm and mindful time, I encourage you to reflect on what you want to create this year (what seeds you want to sow) so when the light begins to return you will be clear about what you want to pursue this year, energetically, spiritually and practically.