Blessings to You for the New Year!

Has 2022 been a mix for you?   Personally I had my emotional and physical ups and downs.  I have felt super excited and grateful for the life I have created and get to live every day.  I adore my work, value many wonderful friendships and share the deepest of connection with my partner.  At the same time, I have felt tired in ways that I haven’t before.  I magically created my home in an oasis here in the city yet the distress and violence that seems to be all around is devastating to me.  Luckily, I have found the support I wanted to help me navigate through all of this. 

Many of my friends, clients and just people out there share with me very similar experiences in their own lives.  Happy about their life, yet tired or distressed in ways they never have been before.  People feeling hopeful and hopeless all at the same time.  Confused and anxious, yet unsure why. People trying to head out and live life as it was, while everything seems different.  There are good reasons for this, and we won’t dive too deeply into the ways humans walk in the world differently since 2020 for better and for worse.

It seems like everything has changed, yet we have little leadership in acknowledging that.  It’s like we are all supposed to just back to it like before 2020 and all that was demanded of us as individuals and a species, and doing that is practically impossible.  We have all been impacted in a variety of ways by being separated and scared for so long. 

I also hear from so many that the time we spent in our homes allowed for many of us time to reflect.   People have become aware of the parts of their life that they no longer want to be.  People are dreaming of something different and aren’t willing to go back.  There is a shift for many that is uplifting and powerful.  There is a grace and aliveness I witness as well.

My deepest wish for us all 2023 approaches is that we dream big, and make our dreams come true!

Please share here in the comments what you are hoping for this year as I would like to be one of your biggest cheerleaders!