A hand covered in trees holds the earth out to a human hand

Online Gathering

New Moon Intention Circles for a More Beautiful World

Please join me in creating a monthly Intention Prayer Circle envisioning the world we want to live in. We will gather on Zoom monthly on the new moon and follow a simple process. 

New moons happen once a month and signify the beginning of a cycle. You can think of them as a cosmic reset. It is an ideal time to set intentions and goals.  Connecting to these lunar energies can provide grounding and a sense of direction.

Together we declare our vision(s) of the “More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible” (as Charles Eisenstein wrote about). This gathering is to weave together our individual visions and dreams in order to grow them and broadcast to the spirits, god, goddesses (whatever you believe) that make manifest what we yearn for.  

Following the teachings (and science) of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lynne McTaggert as well as a few others, we will share with each other our visions as if they have come to pass. We will witness each other’s visions and dreams and them leave them to manifest.

Join Us on the Next New Moon

6:30PM Eastern Time

Cost: Free

A Zoom link will be provided when you register.