I Want to Tell You How I Feel

In Nonviolent Communication classes we spend a whole bunch of time figuring out how to feel our feelings. How do we notice them? How to distinguish feelings from thoughts, games to discern one feeling from another. Practices to enhance our capacity to say what they are. We have sheets and cards and magnets and games. All so we can know what our feelings are.

And now you want to share them.

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What Are We Waiting For?

This past week I became aware of something I do.  And it wasn’t the only time.  I have done it quite a few times.  Something happens and I instantly feel frustrated.  First thing was to actually notice that I was upset (and in some weird way, needing a minute to admit it to myself).  I think I often don’t want to be upset.  So…here it is --this was my process.  I wonder if you do this too?

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Terrie Lewine Comments
Core Strengthening

We all know what this means.  Ab work. 

And, if you have a trainer, you might learn quickly that having a strong core is not just ab work.  It is strengthening all the muscles, including the abdominals so that we are strong in all our movements.  Our entire body benefits and becomes sturdy, durable and protected so it will function optimally throughout the day.

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