It's An Emergency! Emerge and See.

I am quite moved by all the #metoo’s I am reading on Facebook.  So grateful that we have found an opening, a place to begin this conversation.  I am hearing about years and years of aggression, defense, confusion, pain, shame, and rage.  

I am experiencing this moment as women wanting to once again, emerge with all the power that the sacred feminine embodies.  It is an emergency.  

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What Are You Listening For?

Recently a football player said, “It’s funny to hear a female talk about ‘routes.’”  His name is Cam Newton.  I don’t know what team he plays for, or anything else about him. I don’t know his age, where he was raised or what his life experience was.

Apparently his comments cost him a great deal. He became an instant demon / enemy.  Woman Hater.

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Terrie LewineComment
Fifth Sacred Thing

Developing a workshop for women yesterday I found renewed inspiration in a poem that changed my life years ago.  Discovering the work of Starhawk, the novel Fifth Sacred Thing found its way to me through a friend. After reading it I remember buying copy after copy and shared the book with anyone who would listen.  It was the first of many to wake me up. 

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Two Great Letters

I bet you are wonder which letters they are?!  Possibly A?  It gets our alphabet started, gets you first in line at grade school if your name began with A.  Or T because my name begins with T.  E gets used quite a bit as well.

I am actually referring to two letters that I wrote (they were actually a series) of back and forth letters (they were actually email and texts). 

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Relationship Agreements ~ Who Needs Them?

Are you in a relationship?  With anyone?  In reality we are in relationship with everyone we meet or even walk by.  It is with some unspoken agreement that if you walk by someone that you do or don’t say hello (or make eye contact).

Let’s at this point just consider the important ones.  Significant other, workmates, friends, business partners, family.  Are you crystal clear about the roles you are each agreeing to?  How do you know?

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